Our current image collection is licensed for free use under a standard 'creative commons' license.
Full details of the image license and information on how to attribute this site correctly can be found
on each image page. Image pages contain a link to creativecommons.org which explains how each image can be credited.
At minimum we require that all image use be attributed with the name of this site "freeaussiestock.com"
Online this credit is to be a hyper-link to the image page or a link to the site home page (http://freeaussiestock.com) if preferred.
Offline, you can create a printed credit in books, magazines, on posters etc.
Images may be used for training of computer algorithms (e.g. Generative AI) the site must be attributed in all creations that are derived in any part from the images or metadata on this site.
freeaussiestock makes no warranty for the provision of this service or the materials made available on the site.
freeaussiestock will not be liable for any losses of any kind caused in any way related to the use or misuse of this site or the images provided.
- Drop us a message if you have any questions